Professional and Personable Tax Return Preparation

Affordable Tax Return Filing - KL Tax Preparation
KL Tax Preparation, a division of PEN in HAND Services, is an LGBTQ-friendly, in fact, all-inclusive company ready and willing to assist anyone, anywhere, with remote services from Saint Petersburg, Florida.
The pricing is a $50 Flat Fee for Electronic Filing with no Extra Filing Fee on Simple 1040 Tax Returns For:
● Individuals and Couples (W-2s) and ● Self-Employed (Revenue / Expenses or 1099s)
including standard or itemized deductions, credits, and tax exemptions, of course.

Welcome to KL Tax Preparation! My name is Kimberly Laughlin. I am the sole proprietor of PEN in HAND Services and all of its divisions, including KL Tax Preparation. I simply used my initials to create the name since I am the one and only tax preparer (so far, anyway) for my company.
I have prepared and filed tax returns for family and friends for most of my adult life. I even took tax preparation classes with a reputable tax company early on because I was so serious about it. I happen to love that type of work. But unfortunately, I was unable to pursue it because of certain circumstances. So, I found myself taking some accounting classes and landing a position in accounting, which turned into a really awesome administrative assistant position, which has been a benefit to operating my business because of the wealth of skills I gained. So, now here I am, finally getting serious again about my dream to assist people with their taxes. My tax business may be fairly new, but I am not new to the business of taxes. And my service is professional and personable.
My IRS PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) is P03319855, and I have a WISP (Written Information Security Plan) in place for my tax preparation company. My goal is to be affordable in assisting others who are less familiar with taxes using my own tax preparation skills and knowledge.
I know that even with tax preparation software, many people either do not feel comfortable doing it themselves or they are just too busy. Let me do the work for you. I have a lifetime of experience preparing and filing simple tax returns. I am in the process of obtaining certification for more complex tax returns.
With my tax services, you will find:
• Convenient Remote Service via Phone Calls, Texts, and Emails
• Professional, Reliable, Personable, and Friendly Service
• Fast, Efficient, and Secure Electronic Filing through a trusted tax software with NO FILING FEE.
KL Tax Preparation has an IRS PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number), which is: P03319855, and a WISP (Written Information Security Plan) in place for your security and protection, both of which will be provided upon request.
Additionally, I am in the process of becoming certified to prepare and file more complex tax returns, which is an IRS requirement for that level of tax preparation, even for a tax preparer with that level of experience and knowledge.
WISP stands for Written Information Security Plan. It is a document that details the organization’s security controls, procedures, and policies. It also explains how confidential data is protected within the organization and who safeguards all that information. The WISP for KL Tax Preparation is a 13-page document. The cover page and page 2 (objective) are both posted below. The remainder of the document will be provided upon request.
KL Tax Preparation
This Document is for general distribution and is available to all employees.
This Document is available to Clients by request and with consent of the Firm’s Data Security Coordinator.
Last Modified/Reviewed: 2025-01-31
Annual review date: 2025-12-31
Moreover, the objective on page 2 reads as follows:
Our objective, in the development and implementation of this comprehensive Written Information Security Plan (WISP), is to create effective administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for the protection of the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) retained by KL Tax Preparation, (hereinafter known as the Firm). This WISP is to comply with obligations under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and Federal Trade Commission Financial Privacy and Safeguards Rules to which the Firm is subject. The WISP sets forth our procedure for evaluating our electronic and physical methods of accessing, collecting, storing, using, transmitting, and protecting PII retained by the Firm. For purposes of this WISP, PII means information containing the first name and last name or first initial and last name of a Taxpayer, Spouse, Dependent, or Legal Guardianship person in combination with any of the following data elements retained by the Firm that relate to Clients, Business Entities, or Firm Employees:
● Social Security number, Date of Birth or Employment data.
● Driver’s license number or state-issued identification card number.
● Income data, Tax Filing data, Retirement Plan data, Asset Ownership data, Investment data.
● Financial account number, credit or debit card number, with or without security code, access code, personal identification number, or passwords(s) that permit access to a client’s financial accounts.
● E-mail addresses, non-listed phone numbers, residential or mobile or contact information.
PII shall not include information that is obtained from publicly available sources such as a Mailing Address or Phone Directory listing; or from federal, state or local government records lawfully made available to the general public.
If I can assist you, call or text me, Kimberly Laughlin, Sole Proprietor, at +1 (727) 335-5573 (National or International Calls) 10 am–7 pm EST, Mon–Sun.
OR you may fill out my Service Inquiry Form using the link below, anytime of the day or night. It goes directly to my email. I will respond once my next business day begins.